The coolest teen hangout

Man, do I ever wish I had a place to hang out in that was this cool growing up. I'm going to bet this teen suddenly became a VERY popular kid when this project was completed. What can only be described as the ultimate 'man cave', Inhouse Brand Architects has converted the unused lounge area of a Fresnaye (Cape Town, South Africa) residence into an industrial-inspired dream pad for the family’s lucky teenage boy and his friends. Polished concrete flooring encompasses the entire room and sets the foundation for the interior scheme. 

Another striking design feature comes in the form of a grandiose, curved timber wave that cascades from the ceiling down to the floor to create an extraordinary zone for watching movies. This “wave" is crafted out of steel fins that are clad with timber and lit up with three LED strips. It is kitted out with surround sound to produce a genuine movie theatre experience.

Next to the bar and adjacent the timber wave is comfortable booth seating. Framed with timber and upholstered in inviting shades of indigo, this nook provides an enticing 'chill' spot.

A fully functional concrete skate bowl plays a major part in the design. To embellish this remarkable feature, emerging South African street artist, Jack Fox, applied his signature illustrations to the walls surrounding the bowl. 

, KiM , via desire to inspire


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