
Şubat, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Colorful Retro Illustrations by Calvin Sprague

Calvin Sprague , graphiste et illustrateur basé à Rotterdam et originaire des Etats-Unis, est le créateur d’oeuvres colorées aux allures rétro. Avant de s’installer aux Pays-Bas, l’artiste  a longtemps vécu au Texas, décidant ensuite de voyager en Europe afin de trouver l’inspiration nécéssaire et de créer son entreprise : Union Haus . Ses illustrations se démarquent par des courbes fines laissant apparaître des formes colorées, créant ainsi des scènes surréalistes et récréatives, et trouvant son propre équilibre « en comblant l’écart entre la structure et le chaos ». Ses créations sont disponibles à la vente dans sa boutique en ligne .   , Edwige, via Fubiz Media http://bit.ly/3ajknRw

Through The Lens Of Masha Demianova

Le travail de Masha Demianova n’est pas que photographique, il est aussi empreint d’une influence cinématographique forte. Loin du male gaze , les femmes que capture la photographe qui est née et a grandi à Moscou, sont les sujets d’une grande histoire symbolique, où tous les détails de la photographie font sens.  À quel moment la photographie s’est révélée à vous comme le médium rêvé pour créer ?  La première fois que j’ai ressenti un pur effet de rêverie, totalement hypnotisant, c’est quand j’ai vu la série « You and I » du photographe Rayan Mcginley’s. Son travail est un beau récit poétique qui m’a complètement aspiré ; j’ai senti la chaleur du soleil et le vent frappant mon corps nu comme si je courrais moi aussi dans les champs. C’était la première fois que j’ai compris à quel point l’image avait un pouvoir puissant. Quelle est la première photographie qui vous a rendu fière de votre travail ? Dire quelle a été ma photographie préférée est un peu plus c...

Woods Bagot and NeueHouse help breathe new life into L.A.'s famed Bradbury Building

With its stunning interiors and handsome brick facades, the Bradbury Building has remained one of Los Angeles' architectural treasures for nearly 120 years. The building was constructed in 1893 and showcases Victorian-style interiors complete with ornate cast-iron railings, polished woodwork, masonry, and a mesmerizing glass atrium. Architects Sumner Hunt and George H. Wyman are listed as the designers who helped bring the project to life. However, the building's "final architect," according to the LA Conservancy, is still up for debate.  Yet, despite its intriguing historical past and immaculate detailing, what is perhaps most exciting about the complex is the building's potential for a revitalized future.  Standing as one of the oldest commercial buildings in the city of Los Angeles, its relatively recent fame grew in large part thanks to the building's ability to role-play as an ideal design backdrop for fictional film locations. Most famously, the build...

ACSA and Temple Buell Center announce $50,000 in prize money to support climate change coursework

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ( ACSA ) and the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University have announced the winning entries of the  2020 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change, and Society.   The competition, launched in 2019 , aims to bring $50,000 in funding to five university teams that are each tackling a different facet of the climate crisis through cross-disciplinary research that proposes "methods and themes that innovate within their institutional setting" while also "asking hard questions of students that are equal in weight to the hard questions being asked of society as it grapples with the intertwined causes and effects of climate change."  According to the organizers , the prizes seek to find a middle ground between the expansive creative capabilities of design education and the more focused, practical realities of professional practice that sometimes complica...

Venice Biennale is on track for its scheduled opening on May 23

Following a week of speculation and concern over the mounting coronavirus outbreak, organizers for the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice have announced that the event will proceed as planned.  In a livestreamed announcement broadcast via the Biennale's website , Paolo Baratta, President of La Biennale di Venezia, explains that one of the main goals of the vent is to bring architecture into the front and center of public discourse. "Architecture," Baratta explains, "makes us more aware individuals, it makes us citizens, not just consumers."  He adds, "The space we share, the place where a civilization has developed gives us the possibility to consider welfare in a much more complete way [...] it helps us donate to ourselves some happiness." Previously on Archinect: " 2020 Venice Biennale asks: 'How will we live together? '" Paolo Baratta, president of La Biennale di Venezia, and Hashim Sarkis, curator of the 17th Internatio...

Our weekly wrap-up of new design competitions worth checking out

We get it. It can get a little overwhelming keeping up with the dozens of new  architecture competitions  launching worldwide on any given week — let alone having to stay on top of the multiple deadlines for each and every one. That's why  Bustler  is here to help! At the end of every week, we'll share a quick selection of our newest design  competition submissions  that we think are worth a look, as well as some ongoing ones you might have missed the first time. Check out our latest competition recommendations below. Bustler Editors via Archinect - News http://bit.ly/2Vx9NSM

UK Parliament renovations uncover 360-year-old hidden passage

A 360-year-old passageway once used by British monarchs has been rediscovered inside Parliament, revealing a piece of history that was thought to have been permanently covered up after World War II. [...] access to the passage had remained hidden in plain sight for about 70 years. As the Houses of Parliament in the United Kingdom undergo a $5 billion renovation and restoration project by architecture studio BDP , an archival team has rediscovered a hidden passageway once used by British monarchs, members of Parliament, and dignitaries like Benjamin Franklin that dates to the 17th-century. The passageway, according to the report, was created as a procession route for a coronation banquet for King Charles II and was in use for 150 years for other official events.  The secret passageway was partially hidden and almost totally forgotten following renovations in 1950s. Inside the space, researchers discovered graffiti dating to 1851, when the passageway was first sealed off. The ...

Architect Jobie Hill is creating a national survey of America's slave houses

Since 2012, Hill has surveyed hundreds of structures that she believes once served as a home to enslaved African Americans. More often than not, the buildings bear no visible trace of their past; many have been converted into garages, offices, or sometimes—unnervingly—bed-and-breakfasts. In some cases the structures have fallen into ruin or vanished entirely, leaving behind a depression in the ground. Writing in Atlas Obscura, writer Sabrina Imbler takes an in-depth look at the work of Jobie Hill, the Iowa City architect who started  Saving Slave Houses , a project that aims to catalog, document, and ultimately preserve the remaining "living and working environments of enslaved people" in America.  Among many other thought-provoking comments, Hill tells Imbler, “There has never been a national survey of slave houses, except for the one I’m trying to do." Antonio Pacheco via Archinect - News http://bit.ly/2wYOGP3

Radiator Heat Common Problems & Simple Fixes

Image: Breadmaker/Shutterstock Rather than forcing heated air through a system of ducts like a conventional furnace, a radiator uses steam or hot water to warm your home through a series of pipes. Radiators were invented in the mid-1800s and many older homes still have them. Cost-effective and energy-efficient , radiators are starting to make a comeback in some areas. There are even portable electric radiators, such as the Delonghi EW7707CM Safe Heat 1500w ComforTemp portable oil-filled radiator, that use a special diathermic oil to radiate heat into just one room. Like any heating system, radiators must be regularly maintained, and they can develop problems that range from simple to complex. Here are some general maintenance tips along with common problems and how to fix them. General maintenance tips for radiator heat Steam radiators typically require the most maintenance . Once a week, flush the low-water cutoff in the boiler. Once a month, with the system on and hot,...

Wonderful Japanese Paper Cut

Ayumi Shibata est une artiste originaire du Japon, dont la spécialité est la traditionnelle découpe de papier japonaise. A travers son travail, elle souhaite attirer l’attention sur la relation entre les humains et l’environnement, et sur la manière dont nous nous soucions de la nature et du monde. Elle réalise ainsi des sculptures en papier représentant des villes et des paysages naturels aux nombreux détails, qu’elle positionne parfois dans des récipients en verre ou encore dans des livres. Elle utilise du papier blanc afin d’exprimer le yang et la lumière, et l’ombre projetée par les formes de ses découpes représente le yin, la part d’ombre.   , Edwige, via Fubiz Media http://bit.ly/2I60Xn2