Touching Black and White Pictures of Children from the Bronx

Bronx Boys. Dans cet ouvrage, le photographe américain Stephen Shames a compilé plus de 30 ans de vie au sein de la Grosse Pomme. Une sélection de clichés en noir et blanc, réalisés en immersion dans le quartier du Bronx à New York. L’artiste y dépeint la vie de la jeunesse locale, dans des photographies effectuées avec un regard réaliste et émouvant.

Teenage couple kisses on steps. 1982 Two teens wear stocking masks they use to hide their identity when they rob people. Bathgate Avenue. 1982 Maso gives photographer the finger. 1982 A friend helps 15-year-old Del shoot heroin on the roof. 1982 13-year-old Martin flirts with a girl. Decatur Avenue. 1982 Two teenage boys wear Mewxican hats as they drink inside a social club. Batgate Avenue. 1984 Teenage boys jump into a public swimming pool at night. They climbed over the fence. 1984 Martin and his girl friend, who live together, in bed. 1984 - 85 Teenage boy with M-16. 1985 Teenag boys and adults play dominoes. 1985 Dealer sells crack in front of a building as moms sit with their babies and children play. 1987 - 88 Martin and Poncho celebrate at a birthday party for a crew member. 1987 - 88 Poncho and Tony cool off in water from the puimp (fire hydrant) on a hot summer night. 1987 - 88 Early in the morning, a 10-year-old boy sleeps on the fire escape, where he slept all night. Remeniscent of Weegee's hot summer photographs. 1989 - 91 16-year-old Poncho and his girl friend. 1991 Two teenage boys at a party. One with an intense expression on his face; the other wearing a hooded sweat shirt and his mouth covered. 1990s "Pilo Wall". Teenage boy with toy gun. His son is at left. Two teens kiss. 1985 , Hoel, via Fubiz Media


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