Young Architect Guide: Selling Yourself With a Story

The world of architecture is small and narrow. Proportionally, there aren’t many people working in it who aren’t architects — which makes it especially difficult to break into in a satisfying way for the young or those just graduating from school. Even with the requisite education and entry-level experience, getting a job in the profession is an uphill battle for the simple reason that nearly everyone applying for an open position wants only the same thing: a job as an architect. From the viewpoint of those doing the hiring, this makes it equally difficult to decide exactly who to hire, because young architects’ education, experience and portfolios begin to appear the same after repeatedly viewing hundreds of them. With this in mind, standing out in a pile of submissions at an office you want to work for becomes a primary concern. How do you do this? There’re many ways, but one I’ve found to be fairly effective is to craft a cohesive, easily discernible theme for yourself that differentiates your application from all the others. This theme is the story that ties together all the work, presentation and correspondence you’re sharing with whoever may be hiring, and it’s the thoroughness ... , Ross Brady, read more Architizer


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