April 2019 Gave Us All the Feels

This year April brought about all kinds of emotions among the architecture community. We laughed, we cried, we got self-reflective and we got angry... all the good stuff that fuels the passion behind this field we love to hate and hate to love.
APRIL FOOLS'!IKEA Buys Naming Rights to Heatherwick’s Vessel at Hudson Yards
This year we pulled off one of our favorite April Fools' Day pranks, taking advantage of the massive hype and controversy of the just-opened Vessel at Hudson Yards, designed by Thomas Heatherwick. Our claim that IKEA had purchased the naming rights, renaming it "IKEA Vässel", with plans to convert the structure into a massive ball pit, surprisingly fooled a lot of readers both on Archinect and around social media. Personally, I would love to dive into this... let's not lose hope!
Fire breaks out at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
The world mourned as we watched one ...
Paul Petrunia via Archinect - News http://bit.ly/2MjtLLl
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