Could San Francisco become a city of "micro-hoods"?

San Francisco based architects Kuth / Ranieri Architects have unveiled a speculative proposal that aims to retrofit existing and underutilized office building clusters into mini-neighborhoods containing many of the daily necessities for residents of a post-pandemic city.
The firm's Post-Pandemic, Live + Work Micro-Hoods project envisions that the "rethinking the future of downtown will happen incrementally, on a block-by-block basis, through public-private partnerships, in parallel with policy and zoning changes." These changes, coupled with shifts in mobility as well as the rising phenomenon of more people working in their homes, will both make cities less auto-dominated as well as ripe for physical reconsideration, the architects explain.
Particularly, the architects envision under-utilized downtown office complexes as sites of re-appropriation and redesign, and point to recently announced plans by California energy giant PG&E to vacate its downtown San Francisco headquarters as ...
Antonio Pacheco via Archinect - News
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