Mansard roof-topped Johnson / Burgee tower in Dallas is for sale

A 1.1 million-square-foot office tower complex designed by Johnson / Burgee is currently for sale in Dallas, Texas.
Organized as a trio of conjoined 19-story towers topped with mansard roofs and connected by arch-topped skywalks, the office complex rises behind a low-rise hotel designed in a matching style by the architects. Only the office portion of the complex is for sale, The Dallas Morning News reports. According to the newspaper, the Crescent office complex, as the development is known, was recently renovated and was \the largest development project in Dallas history when it was built during the 1980s.
Estimates for the property, which is owned by JP Morgan Asset Management, indicate that it could be worth more than $700 million.
Antonio Pacheco via Archinect - News
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